Knice-N-Clean Soap Company is dedicated to the development of innovative quality soap products made from biodiesel glycerin.
Our goal is to raise awareness of the benefits of using biodiesel glycerin to make soap. Using biodiesel glycerin can greatly reduce the production costs of making soap without sacrificing quality. Biodiesel glycerin can be used as an additive or as the bulk of any soap recipe.
We also offer soap making supplies and equipment to support all soap makers. These products have all been carefully selected and tested with biodiesel glycerin to ensure top notch soaps that are environmentally friendly.
Our website is packed with information about making soap and how to use biodiesel glycerin in your soap making recipes. From basic saponified biodiesel glycerin to nice solid bar soap or viscous liquid soap, we cover it all...
Below are just a few examples of soaps made from biodiesel glycerin.

For more information on how to use biodiesel glycerin to make soap, check out our book Making Biodiesel Soaps.
What is biodiesel glycerin?
During the production of biodiesel, glycerin is extracted from the oil. Biodiesel glycerin is actually a glycerin and soap mixture that also has saponifiable elements left in it. Biodiesel glycerin can be thought of as a bad batch of soap, one that is undersaponified and unbalanced.
Can I use biodiesel glycerin in all my soaps?
Yes, you can use biodiesel glycerin as just another oil in your soap or to replace the glycerin in a soap recipe that calls for it.
Does biodiesel glycerin have a SAP value?
A SAP value can easily be obtained from biodiesel glycerin.